Who are we?


Here’s what you need to know about LGBTQI+ RPCVs:


As an affiliate of the Peace Corps, we at the LGBTQI+ RPCVs, understand the importance of diverse voices in international development.


We offer support to LGBTQI+ applicants, volunteers, and returned volunteers and we advocate for inclusive policies throughout the Peace Corps.


Our Vision

A diverse and inclusive Peace Corps community where every Volunteer feels respected, safe, and supported to achieve their full potential.


Formed in 1991, the original LGBT RPCV group came about thanks to groups of RPCVs in San Fransisco and Washington DC looking for fellow LGBT returned volunteers. The LGBT RPCV group stayed active for an impressive 27 years. They advocated for important policy changes within Peace Corps, and became a community resource for both RPCVs and those considering Peace Corps service. After accomplishing many of their goals, the LGBT RPCV group became inactive in 2018.


In 2021 the National Peace Corps Association (NPCA) began a series of meetings to explore the formation of a new group for RPCVs in the LGBTQI+ community. That group became LGBTQI+ RPCVs. The name is a link to the previous iteration of this community, but updated to reflect important inclusive changes in language since 1991.  


Thanks to a lot of hard work, our organization now has 503 (c)(3) nonprofit status, a permanent address in Washington D.C., and an official bank account. In 2023, the LGBTQI+ RPCVs hosted their first community election and the inaugural board was created. Together, we continue to reach out to the queer RPCV community, help potential volunteers, and give you a loving, safe community to call home.

LGBTQI+ RPCVs Board of Directors

Justin Tabor is a white man with dark brown hair and glasses.

Justin Tabor- Co-Chair

RPCV Philippines 2008-2011

Justin Tabor is a founding board member of the LGBTQI+ RPCVs. Justin was a Placemet Officer with the Peace Corps for 5.5 years. In that role he saw the need for a group like LGBTQI+ RPCV to exist to fill in some of the systemic gaps effecting this community. After a long process to get this group founded he is excited to watch it take shape and grow in the coming years. Justin lives in Washington DC with his cat Ming.   

Nick Denson- Co-Chair

RPCV Rwanda 2018-2020, VSPP Ukraine 2022-Present


Nick Denson holds a Masters of Arts in Art Therapy from George Washington University. He is currently working on his PhD studies at Lesley Univeristy, where he explores how various forms of creative expression enhance mental health and social justice. Nick is a licensed Art Therapist and a Board Certified and Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor. Nick enjoys visiting museums, trying new art classes, singing like no one is listening. 


Communications Director

This position is currently open. Use the form below to express interest in joining our team!

Bill Sweigart- Secretary

RPCV Liberia 1967-1970


Retired after 46 years in the classroom, Bill Sweigart is Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion representative on the National Peace Corps Association’s AGNAC (Affiliate Group Network Advisory Committee). He also serves on NPCA’s standing committee on DEI. His recent essay, “Meeting President Tubman” appeared in the anthology, “Never the Same Again: Life, Service and Friendship in Liberia. Bill spends as much time as he can in Costa Rica where he is desperately trying to learn more Spanish.


Our board is always looking for new talent and thought partners. If you want to learn more about  LGBTQI+ RPCVs, want to create a great community, have an idea for a program, or are interested in joining our board please contact us at contact@lgbtqirpcv.org or fill out the form below.
